A trial voluntary ban on letting agents boards in part of a town has been declared such a success it could be made permanent and tried in another part of the area.
The pilot scheme operated in part of East Reading and the University area between October 2014 and the end of March this year.
Local councillor Tony Page, in charge of the authority’s ‘strategic environment, planning and transport’ brief, has met with agents. The meeting discussed how the area had allegedly been blighted by a proliferation of ‘To Let’ and ‘Let By’ boards outside properties all year round to attract potential student tenants.
A survey by Reading council carried out before the pilot found as many as 180 boards displayed at any one time in the area.
A subsequent survey carried out during the pilot found a maximum of 21 boards displayed, most of which were quickly removed once the relevant agents were contacted.
The council will now discuss a new proposal on July 15 to put the temporary ban on lettings boards in the pilot area on a permanent basis and to invite agents to sign up to an agreement.
The ban would only apply to lettings boards and not ‘For Sale’ or ‘Sold’ signs.
“The council’s monitoring of the pilot scheme found it was largely successful and the proliferation of lettings boards experienced in recent years did not appear. I know the temporary ban has made a real difference to residents in the area and I’d like to thank all the agents who co-operated and complied with the voluntary agreement” says Page.