A local council has announced its support for a new scheme which is aiming to improve quality of housing as well as supporting landlords in the local area.
Brentwood Borough Council – alongside other councils in Essex – is getting behind the Essex Landlord Accreditation Scheme (ELAS).
The council says the purpose of ELAS is to increase the standards of private sector housing within the county while providing professional guidance, support and advice to landlords.
It will also aim to give tenants the peace of mind that they are dealing with reputable landlords.
ELAS went live in Brentwood last week after the Local Authority Agreement was signed at the Council’s Landlord Forum.
Landlords will now be able to join the scheme if their properties are properly maintained and managed.
“This accreditation scheme ensures we can help them [landlords] to run a professional business while providing good quality and well managed accommodation and giving peace of mind to tenants in Brentwood,” says councillor Chris Hossack, Brentwood Borough Council’s chair of the environment and housing management committee.