One of Britain’s best known and highest profile lettings agencies, Finders Keepers, has produced what it calls the definitive guide to the lettings sector, aimed chiefly at landlords.
Never before have landlords been so heavily regulated, the agency says as the reason for its production of ‘Landlord Intelligence: The FK Guide to being a Successful Landlord’.
The guide explains landlords’ duties of care, tenant responsibilities, negotiating rent increases, insurance and taxes. It is intended as a guide for new landlords as well as seasoned ones who need to know the latest on issues affecting them.
The publication is intended as a reliable reference guide and a trustworthy alternative to much of the misinformation currently found on the internet.
“While there are many landlord guides on the internet, many of them are dated or biased,” comments Dan Channer, MD of Oxford-based Finders Keepers.
“We wanted to offer a handbook for landlords that offered the latest information that is reliable and truthful. To our knowledge, there isn’t a comprehensive guide out there for landlords so we’ve used our 40 years of experience to provide advice that will be of use to landlords, no matter whether they are investing in buy-to-let for the first time or are seasoned pros” explains Channer.