A report claims that agents and landlords are increasingly facing filthy property damage at the end of tenancies – and the problem is getting worse.
A study of 500 landlords earlier this month by PropertyLetByUs claims that almost a third of landlords face filthy ovens at check out, followed by dirty baths and sinks (23 per cent), stained carpets and floor coverings (22 per cent), filthy showers (10 per cent) and grubby kitchen cupboards (nine per cent).
The research also reveals that over 60 per cent of agents and landlords are left with piles of rubbish left by tenants in lofts, sheds, garages and gardens.
The research also shows that over 40 per cent of properties have been redecorated without permission and one in six has pet damage, comprising scratches and snags to woodwork and soft furnishings.
Smaller numbers of properties have been damaged by children writing on walls or have issues with broken curtain poles, blinds or kitchen units.
“According to recent figures from the National Landlords Association, around 400,000 landlords in the UK have had their property damaged by tenants in the last 12 months. Our research shows that the problem is much bigger than this” claims Jane Morris, managing director of PropertyLetByUs.