As if to prove the lettings industry’s concern over a lack of publicity for upcoming health and safety regulation changes, a new survey shows few landlords know of them.
Research from British Gas and controversial campaigning charity Shelter suggests 59 per cent of landlords are not aware of new carbon monoxide and snmoke alarm regulations that are still planned to come into effect on October 1.
Government estimates that the new legislation requiring a carbon monoxide alarm to be fitted will result in up to nine fewer fatalities and up to 460 fewer injuries over 10 years. In addition, they estimate that requiring a smoke alarm to be installed on each floor will prevent up to 231 deaths and 5,860 injuries over 10 years.
The new requirements will be enforced by local authorities and landlords who fail to comply with a remedial notice could be fined up to £5,000.
Landlords – or their agents acting for them – will require a gas safety check and record or certificate (CP12) for each property every year.
British Gas advises agents and landlords to checkfor signs of staining, soot or discoloration on, or around your gas boiler, fire or water heater. These can be signs of carbon monoxide.
Meanwhile confusion still reigns over whether these regulations will definitely kick in from the start of next month.
The House of Lords this week voted down the measure because of what was described as “poor wording” of the legislation.
Property industry bodies are still awaiting clarity and guidance from the government.