Kings Group has won a £2,500 award for its speed and thoroughness in informing landlords of the need to comply with legislation on Legionnaires’ risk assessment.
The award has come from the National Legionnella Information Centre, a service provider which manages a national at risk register of letting agents and landlords working to inform the private rental sector’s legal duties.
NLIC says every landlord and letting agent must comply with the assessment legislation. “A lot of letting agents think that a single risk assessment is all that is required. However, it is not. The disease can occur at any time with the right conditions. A risk assessment ascertains if there is a risk at that time not in the future” says a centre spokesman.
A case could be brought against a landlord and agent if they have not carried out a risk assessment and have not arrange a duty of care procedure. The Health & Safety Executive states in its guidelines a number of procedures that need to be ‘managed out’ says the centre.
“In Kings Group’s case, they have worked hard to adhere to the law and are now off the NLIC at Risk Register. Their timely determination to manage this legal duty has secured them a cheque for £2,500 to be used in marketing awareness in the local communities about the disease” says the centre spokesman.