Liberal Democrat MPs in the Commons and the Lords have tabled motions aimed at stopping the Right To Rent policy, which the party labels “the worst kind of dog whistle politics.”
Party leader Tim Farron has released a statement saying that the Right To Rent proposals, which formally come into effect on February 1, “are trying to turn landlords into free labour for the immigration service.”
He adds: “It is the worst kind of ineffectual, dog whistle politics that this government has become synonymous with. The Liberal Democrats in both the House of Commons and Lords have tabled motions to try and kill this plan outright.”
Right To Rent has been roundly criticised by most sectors of the property industry, with accusations that it makes letting agents and landlords act as de facto immigration officers.
It was piloted in parts of the West Midlands in December 2014 and the extension to England is the next phase of what the government intends to be a UK-wide roll out.
Landlords, their agents, and anybody who sublets or takes in lodgers, could face a financial penalty of up to £3,000 per tenant if they are found to be letting property to someone who has no right to stay in the UK. There is an online checking service – details here – which agents and landlords can use to guide them through the process, and also to request a check on anyone who has an outstanding case with the Home Office.