A landlords’ group says the widespread letting of homes in London on Airbnb and similar platforms is worsening the shortage of housing in the capital.
A new analysis by the Residential Landlords Association has found that 61 per cent of homes and apartments listed on Airbnb in London in June were advertised as being available for more than 90 days per year.
It says this is effectively turning them into long term accommodation without appearing at first sight to be having to abide by all the regulations, safety and insurance provisions covering the private rented sector.
Planning permission is required for short term holiday lets in London available for over 90 days in any given year to prevent property owners from getting round regulations governing the long term renting of property to tenants.
Now the RLA wants London mayor Sadiq Khan and the government to undertake a review of the policing of Airbnb-type platforms to ensure that those advertising lets of longer than 90 days have permission and are not seeking to get round the law.
There is also concern as to how many social and private tenants are subletting in contravention of their tenancy agreements.
The research shows that 41 per cent of all Airbnb listings in London in June were multi-listings, meaning the property owners had more than one property listed.
This increased from 38 per cent in February.
The number increased from 12,744 to 17,593, a sign that the website is increasingly becoming commercialised.