The Middleton Advisors buying agency has launched a rental service triggered by growing demand for prime property rentals in London and the country.
The new rentals search service will focus primarily on properties being let for £5,000 per week and above.
Middleton says increasing numbers of its potential clients are renting – some because they are posted to the UK, or to give breathing space before committing to a purchase, or when a lifestyle simply dictates that renting is the best solution.
The agency says it will adopt a similar approach to its buying service, offering clients half-day or full-day tours to view a short-list of properties. Clients will be collected from where they are staying.
“Often, when you are renting, you’ll be less familiar with a location compared to a buyer. You may be focused on the property itself, but lifestyle factors such as schools, commuting routes, local amenities are just as important, and so our advice and forensic knowledge of prime property zones acts as a form of accelerated learning” explains Mark Parkinson, director at Middleton Advisors.
“With rentals, speed is of the essence. An hour or two can make all the difference. Market conditions tend to change much more rapidly in rentals than the buying market, with key areas going from under-supplied to over supplied in the course of a few months” he adds.