A survey of over 2,000 private renters for an animal insurance company apparently produces the result that 27 per cent of tenants have a pet – but nothing like that number admit it to their agents or landlords.
Almost 10 per cent of those asked said that their landlord made changes to their rental agreement upon finding out about the animal – typically this involved signing a new tenancy agreement.
LAT reported recently that the National Landlords Association warned that attempts to cap tenancy deposits may result in more agents and landlords preventing tenants with pets taking up accommodation – because usually, a higher deposit is a way of future-proofing potential costs of any damage caused by the pet.
In this new survey – for Animal Friends pet insurance – some three per cent of renters were asked to pay additional money to cover any damages made by the pet, with the average fee amounting to £160.18.
Around six per cent of respondents said they were unable to move home due to owning a pet and four per cent couldn’t live in their desired area as a result. Sadly, three per cent of those asked said that they didn’t have any outdoor space for their animals to roam.