Rents in Scotland continue to grow but the rate is slowing according to the latest data from Your Move.
The average rental property increased in value by 0.7 per cent in the 12 months to February 2018, reaching an average of £569.
However, this growth has slowed in recent months: the average across Scotland was £568 in this survey, down 1.2 per cent year-on-year.
The average Scottish rental property was let for £569 pcm in February but there are wide regional differences.
Three areas saw rents increase in the last year – the Highlands & Islands, Edinburgh & Lothians, and Glasgow & Clyde.
Rents in the Highlands & Islands region grew by 10 per cent in the last year to reach an average of £644. The next fastest growth was seen in the Edinburgh & Lothians area, where the average price is now £666 following 2.5 per cent growth in the last year.
Elsewhere, the Glasgow & Clyde region posted a 1.2 per cent annual rise to hit £572 while prices in the East of Scotland fell by 0.2 per cent to £534.
The biggest fall came in the South of Scotland where prices dropped 2.3 per cent year-on-year. The average property now costs £548 a month to rent.
The East remains the cheapest place for tenants to rent a property in Scotland.