It’s been revealed that a church is amongst those owed thousands of pounds by a letting agent who has gone to ground following an investigation by local media.
On Monday we reported that Swaffham lettings agency eHomes had allegedly not paid landlords their rent nor had responded to contacts by tenants and – on several occasions – by Letting Agent Today.
A local newspaper, the Eastern Daily Press, says the firm has also been failing to secure tenants’ deposits in protection schemes, as required by law.
The EDP says the company’s sole shareholder and director, Victoria Steele, has also failed to honour a judgement by The Property Ombudsman ordering it to pay one landlord £10,000.
On top of all that, the EDP also claims that a previous firm run by Steele went into liquidation in 2015 owing creditors £100,000.
Now it’s been revealed that Andrew King, treasurer of the Central Norfolk Methodist Circuit, says eHomes owes the church £1,100 in rent for a Watton home it let. He says the agency also overcharged it for work.
The tenants paid the letting agent the money in March and April but the cash has still not been passed on, despite the church chasing Victoria Steele, the Reverend King is quoted as saying.
The church’s solicitors could also find no record of the tenants’ deposit of £1246 being secured in one of the three government-backed protection schemes.
Solicitors told them in June the church would have to pay that money to the tenant.
Norfolk Trading Standards has confirmed it is “making enquiries” into the firm and anyone with concerns about eHomes should contact Norfolk Trading Standards through the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06 or Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.