The government has outlined increases in powers it wants to give social housing tenants – but no details of increases in social housing building.
The measures include speeding up the complaints process and publishing league tables to highlight the performance of council and housing association landlords.
The government Green Paper is part of a “fundamental rethink” on social housing following the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
Plans include introducing landlord league tables to hold bad practice to account and givign a regulator with new powers to intervene on issues that matter most to tenants.
It also outlines reforms to make it easier for tenants to own their homes, such as allowing them to use the government’s shared ownership scheme to purchase as little as one per cent of their property each year.
Housing Secretary James Brokenshire, who is launching the consultation on the proposals, said: “Our Green Paper offers a landmark opportunity for major reform to improve fairness, quality and safety for residents living in social housing across the country.
“Regardless of whether you own your home or rent, residents deserve security, dignity and the opportunities to build a better life.”