Over 6,000 people have responded to the Residential Landlord Association’s survey asking what a post-Section 21 private rented sector should look like – a record response for the trade body.
The survey went live shortly after the government’s shock announcement last month that it wanted to scrap landlords’ rights to undertake Section 21 repossessions – so-called ‘no fault’ evictions.
The RLA invited members and others to share their experiences of regaining possession of properties, and to outline what assurances they need to continue to stay in the sector.
The responses will be used by the RLA as the basis for its response to the government’s formal consultation when it is launched.
The RLA says it is vital landlords are confident that they can swiftly and easily repossess a property for legitimate reasons such as rent arrears, anti-social behaviour and needing to sell the property.
The number of people responding to the survey, which closes next week, has already broken the association’s previous record.
“The scale of responses to this important survey shows the strength of feeling in the sector. The survey closes next Monday, and we would encourage all those who want the opportunity to have their say and shape the future of the sector to take the time to respond” explains David Smith, the RLA’s policy director.
You can see the survey here.
An earlier government consultation process which fuelled its decision to axe Section 21 eviction powers and move towards longer tenancies received only 129 responses from letting agents.
This constituted just 5.0 per cent of the total number of responses: 62 per cent of responses were from landlords, 19 per cent from tenants, and 15 per cent from other organisations or individuals.
A total of 2,668 responses were received, along with a survey organised by campaigning charity Shelter which provided 6,038 responses.
The government says that consultation, held last summer, formed part of the grounds for the proposal to scrap S21, amend S8 and the broad pledge to make the court system faster for landlords seeking repossession.