The Welsh government is planning to make changes to the notice period for eviction which would see tenants given 12-month contracts by default.
Currently, under Section 173 of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016, private landlords cannot repossess properties in the first six months of a tenancy.
There is then a two-month notice period before they can serve an eviction notice.
However, last week Welsh housing minister Julie James AM laid out plans to extend the notice period to six months, meaning landlords will have to wait a year by default before being able to repossess their property.
The Welsh government is now set to consult on whether to increase the minimum notice period of Section 173 – the equivalent to Section 21 in England – from two months to six months.
The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) says it is ‘scandalous’ the government is planning such changes without first reforming possession routes for the vast majority of landlords who have legitimate reasons to repossess their properties.
It says the new rules could leave landlords ‘powerless’ when it comes to problem tenants, who will be ‘legally allowed’ to stay in the property for a year.
“If tenants are not paying rent, huge arrears could build up in this time,” explains Douglas Haig, RLA vice chair and director for Wales.
“We will be warning government that this move could cause serious damage to landlord confidence and the availability of homes to rent in Wales, at a time when demand continues to increase.”
“The government needs to ensure that landlords with a genuine need to regain possession of their properties are able to do so,” he says.