The National Landlords Association has issued advice for the lettings sector on the coronavirus infection.
Although much of the advice is a repeat of existing government guidelines on the issue, the NLA’s move is the first by one of the major lettings trade bodies to address the issue.
In a note on its website, the association says that while there may be concern about tenants’ exposure to the virus, the government continues to state that the risk to individuals in the UK remains low.
“Based on current official guidelines, landlords do not need to take any specific action regarding tenants’ exposure to coronavirus. The government has remained vigilant in identifying and tracing potential carriers of the virus and has established isolation wards across the country to maximise the chances of containment” says the association.
It says its members are encouraged to refer to official government and NHS guidance – details are at the bottom of this story.
The association says the current medical advice is that anyone who has travelled into the UK from the countries listed below in the last 14 days and is experiencing respiratory problems, a cough or a fever should remain indoors and call NHS 111 even if symptoms are mild.
The countries are mainland China, Thailand, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Macau.
People who have travelled from the city of Wuhan or Hubei Province in China are advised to remain at home for 14 days after arrival and avoid contact with other people, even if they have no symptoms.
Key websites which agents and landlords can consult include this one from the Department of Health and Social Care, and this one from the NHS.