London agency Draker Lettings is expanding its patch – and offering landlords a free service for six months.
Draker, which is 10 years old in 2020, is one of London’s largest lettings-only agencies and collects over £30m in rent for landlord clients per year.
Until now it has specialised in high-end rentals in Fulham, Chelsea, Knightsbridge, Belgravia and Pimlico and the surrounding areas.
However it’s now expanding into Notting Hill, Holland Park and Bayswater and landlords in those three areas will be able to let their properties for free with the agency, from March 1 until September 1, forgoing the first-year introductory commission and saving an average of £5,000.
Managing director Tim Hassell says: “Our success in Fulham and Chelsea and the feedback we get from our landlords, tells us that there is a huge appetite for our specialised lettings-only service. There is no catch – we simply want to reach a new audience very quickly with an offer that speaks for itself. We’re confident that our unrivalled service will encourage landlords to continue with us beyond the initial first year.”
Draker, which employs 25 staff, says it expects ”a huge response” to the offer.