London agency Chestertons reports that despite the lockdown it’s registered 2,369 new tenants needing to move, conducted 3,432 virtual viewings, received 396 offers and agreed 199 new tenancy agreements over the past four weeks.
In the same period, it has also conducted well over 500 video market appraisals for landlords and brought nearly 800 properties to the market for rent.
The company hasn’t carried out any physical viewings or market appraisals since March 23 when the government announced the lock-down rules, but prepared for the lock-down by getting video tours of around 50 peer cent of its properties before the restrictions were put in place and was quick to introduce virtual market appraisals, which it has been relying on since.
It has also launched a new mobile-friendly, web-based landlord and tenant platform, Chestertons Connect, which allows landlords and tenants to progress a tenancy completely online from start to finish.
Richard Davies, Chestertons’ head of lettings, says: “The lockdown brought its own set of unique challenges to lettings agents, but both tenants and landlords have been quick to adapt, with landlords understanding that they have to be a bit more flexible with their price and terms, and tenants appreciating that they either have to wait until the restrictions are lifted or else make a decision on the basis of a video viewing.”
The agency has also produced a special Guide to Video Viewings specifically for tenants, advising them on the sort of information that they should ask for, to help compensate for the lack of physical viewings.