Your Move, Reeds Rains and other parts of the LSL Group are to hold an Act of Kindness day to encourage colleagues to contribute to their local communities.
LSL recently set up an Inclusivity and Diversity Forum for staff, as well as a Communities Forum. Both consist of a cross section of staff at different levels who have volunteered to be members; the chair of each forum will report directly to David Stewart, LSL’s group chief executive officer.
A product of the first meeting of the Communities Forum is the idea of an Act of Kindness Day to be held on Wednesday July 21.
Forum chair Lucie Middleton says: “With the first event now planned, the forum are already discussing more ideas and plans for the weeks and months ahead, as well as celebrations of the great work that colleagues are already undertaking in their local communities. This is a great LSL initiative and one I, and all forum members, are delighted to be part of.”
LSL businesses participating include Your Move, Reeds Rains, all its LSLI brands, Embrace Financial Services, e.surv, PRIMIS as well as well as members of its central support teams.
Yvonne Martin from Agents Giving adds: “We see estate agents and suppliers do truly amazing things whether it’s raising money for charity by doing various challenges, collecting donations for foodbanks or, as in this case, simply doing good deeds in cities, towns and villages throughout the country. It really is very inspiring and we’re delighted to offer our support to LSL and all the great people that will be participating. “