A controversial lettings agent who has set up a business to sell rental insurance has accused landlords of not taking their responsibilities seriously.
Ajay Jagota, who runs KIS Lettings in the north of England as well as his Veriwise insurance service, says the recent English Housing Survey shows 17 per cent of private tenants not being satisfied with the standard of their homes, and another quarter of tenants dissatisfied with the repairs and maintenance carried out by their landlord.
“These are outrageous figures which really bring home how many people in England are living day in day out in danger and squalor as a result of their landlords not taking their responsibilities seriously” claims Jagota.
“In every corner of the country there are renters wondering why their landlord won’t get rid of rats or wondering how long a landlord has to fix an electrical problem or can legally leave them without heating – all knowing that any complaints will probably get them nowhere.
“Countless privately rented tenants are being told year after year that the damp in their children’s bedroom is their fault for not opening the windows or drying clothes in the house – and most of them don’t know where to turn to or don’t have the confidence or resources to fight their case in court.”
Jagota claims the figures also show that 23 per cent of privately rented homes fail to meet minimum standards, and 11 per cent of privately rented homes do not have a working smoke alarm.
Veriwise, which is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, wants tenants to report problems which it says it will then take up with landlords with a view to securing compensation for the renters.