Propertymark has joined four so-called ‘action groups’ advocating housing policy changes including the setting up of a national landlord register and reform of the tenancy deposit system.
The groups, set up under the auspices of the Nationwide Building Society, say in a launch document that the private rented sector provides homes to one in five households in the UK, but the experience of tenants varies widely, with private renters the least happy with their homes.
The rental sector group, including Propertymark, will focus on a series of objectives set out in a launch statement.
These are:
– Ensuring those who aren’t in a position to own a home have an affordable place to live where they feel secure and are part of a community;
– Building trust between landlords and tenants;
– Ensuring landlords provide good quality homes for their tenants;
– Protecting tenants through a national landlord register and reform of tenancy deposit;
– Supporting and incentivising landlords to retrofit properties with low-carbon technologies;
– Making sure people can afford to move out of the private rental sector and into home ownership if that’s what they aspire to.
The other three action groups cover the number of new and affordable homes built that meet needs from first-time buyers to downsizers; finding practical solutions and policies to help deliver greener homes through encouraging greater public-private sector collaboration to reach net zero, with consumer incentivisation; and modernising the housebuilding process to deliver the homes needed.
According to the report, the average first time buyer property costs 5.6 times the average income and the number of people living in rented accommodation has grown significantly over the years – 64 per cent of households were homeowners in 2003 compared to just 57 per cent now.
Timothy Douglas, policy and campaigns manager at Propertymark, says: “Where we live plays a pivotal role in all our lives and Propertymark members are at the heart of supporting people when they buy, sell, and rent a home. The pandemic has impacted everyone and changed how many people now live and work.
“The new action groups focus on the challenges ahead and we look forward to continuing to work with Nationwide and other partners to help find solutions to improve the affordability, accessibility and sustainability of the sector.”