Propertymark has called for a return of mortgage interest relief and a review of landlord taxes to boost the rental sector.
The agency trade body said in its response to the government’s Call for Evidence – Meeting the UK’s housing demand that more should be done to support landlords.
Propertymark’s response said: “The main opportunity in helping to meet housing demand is to use the impact of the pandemic in order to bring about two areas of innovation.
“Firstly, the UK government should review property taxes in light of Covid-19 and the movement and affordability created by the stamp duty holiday, to help more people buy and sell their home.
“Secondly, to ensure that landlords stay in the private rented sector and continue to provide much-needed homes for people who rent, the UK government should review all relevant buy-to-let taxes and the impact of recent legislation, such as the changes to mortgage interest relief, on the sector.”