Airbnb is now introducing pet insurance cover for its hosts as it continues attempts to win long-term renters away from the traditional letting agency and landlord sectors.
Earlier this week we reported that the platform was increasingly attracted long-term lets and was allowing searchers to look for properties available for up to 12 months; in addition, it was adding ‘Verified WiFi’ as a search criterion to appeal to flexible workers or those working from home and wanting a change of location.
Now, adding to that appeal to longer term renters, Airbnb is introducing something called Aircover for its hosts – it calls this “top-to-bottom protection, free for every host, only on Airbnb.”
On its UK website Airbnb says the cover offers the equivalent of US$1 million in damage protection.
This includes pet damage protection, and Airbnb tells its hosts “no need to worry, damage caused by four-legged guests is covered.”
It also has deep-cleaning protection (“We compensate you for unexpected cleaning costs, like removing cigarette odour if a guest smokes in your home” and income loss protection (“AirCover reimburses lost income if you cancel confirmed Airbnb bookings due to guest damage.”)
Hosts have 14 days to make a claim.
However, the platform does tell its landlords that while AirCover protects them while hosting an Airbnb renter, it is not a substitute for personal insurance. “Since everyone’s situation is different, you should talk to your insurer to see how or if your policy overlaps with AirCover” it suggests.