All private rented homes in Oxford will need a licence from this September, following a green light from the government.
Some 49.3 per cent of all Oxford’s homes are now privately rented.
An independent review of housing conditions in 2020 found that a fifth (6,200) of the 30,500 homes in Oxford’s private rented sector could have a serious housing hazard.
Currently only HMOs require a licence to operate, although these make up less than 15 per cent of private rented homes in Oxford.
Approval of selective licensing means that all private rented homes will need a licence, requiring private landlords to show that they are complying with the law by meeting safety and management standards, being a ‘fit and proper person’ and meeting council waste storage and disposal requirements.
The selective licensing scheme will run for five years and starts on September 1.
A five year licence will cost £480, with an early bird discount of £400 for landlords who apply within the first three months.
There will also be a discounted fee of £280 for accredited landlords.