Next week a webinar will give landlords and other property professionals an opportunity to put questions directly to one of the most prominent campaigners for pets to be allowed in lets.
Jen Berezai, co-founder of AdvoCATS and Heidi Shackell, chief executive at The Lettings Hub are joining forces on July 26 , hosting a webinar discussing what the Renters Reform Bill and Fairer Private rented Sector White Paper will mean for letting agents and landlords.
Shackell explains: “Pets in Lets is an exciting concept for us at The Lettings Hub, however we know it has split the industry. Understanding what letting agents and landlords think of the proposal is important to enable us to support our customers as best as possible.
“Joining forces with Jen from AdvoCATS has given us insight into what is already on the market and allows us to answer the burning questions the industry has about what is upcoming.”
And AdvoCATS’ Jen Berezai adds: “At AdvoCATS we have a lot of knowledge in animal welfare and pet rescue which has allowed us to build a brand in which we are able to help not only tenants keep their pets when moving into a new home but give landlords the reassurance and protection they want.
“Agents need to be prepared for their landlords to be more sensitive over who is coming into their house as they will feel as though they have lost control. Therefore, it is important to give agents the tools to speak to their landlords and make them feel as comfortable as possible through the process, and make sure their landlord portfolio stays where it is.”
The Lettings Hub says 60 per cent of the population own a pet and 3.2m brought in lockdown, according to Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association. A survey conducted by Pet Plan reported 26 per cent of pets brought during this time were first time owners with new pets most popular with Londoners and 18 to 34 year olds – demographics that involve substantial numbers of private renters.
Register for the webinar and submit your questions here.