A PropTech supplier says streamlining processes in the lettings sector could benefit agents, landlords and tenants alike, by producing a simpler way of renting.
Craig Vile, director of The ValPal Network, says: “To really grow, the industry as a whole needs to move from physical to digital methods as many have not completely adapted to this way of doing business yet. Existing and prospective clients want to be supported with their preferred method of communication at a time that is convenient for them. In more recent years at The ValPal Network, we have learnt this is best achieved through streamlined digital methods of communication.”
He continues: “Streamlined PropTech solutions can assist you in engaging with your current and future customers. Chat-boxes that simply pop up in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen on your website to offer visitors help and assistance with their queries can be highly useful, keeping potential leads engaged. Meanwhile, nurturing software is vitally important to keep those cool and tepid leads interested and turned into hot leads when the time is right.”
He argues that if agency teams have to spending less time on admin, lead generation and nurturing – all possible through technology these days – they’ll have more time to focus on customer satisfaction and offering the most rounded experience they can.
“They can focus on the bread and butter of agency – winning instructions and getting sales/lets over the line” he contends.
With planned widespread rental reform in the offing and housing demand likely to fall slightly in the near future, the need for efficient, streamlined services has never been greater, the PropTech provider argues.
“What we need is solutions to help the industry to maximise efficiency. For example, the right automation software can allow you to respond to potential customers within a few minutes whereas doing this manually could mean missing out on vital leads. At present, the market is too fragmented, data is everywhere, and there’s a lack of joined-up thinking in terms of bringing these things together. Streamlining allows for a faster and better functioning market for all parties.”
* The ValPal Network is owned by Angels Media, publisher of Letting Agent Today and the other Today industry news websites. *