The government is relying on the private rented sector to bolster its high-profile Homes for Ukraine programme – despite a series of measures being taken to make life tougher for the sector.
Propertymark says it’s highlighting the issues that lie behind the ongoing supply shortage across the sector including heavier tax on landlords, failure to match local housing allowance with inflation, politicians demonising landlords, and proposals to remove existing mechanisms to regain possession of the landlord’s property.
“All of these factors have contributed to reduced landlord confidence and subsequent supply issues” says a statement from the trade body.
Six months into the Homes For Ukraine campaign, the trade body says that it is “helping with proactive solutions to how the government can ensure that the sector is able to help. Potential short term measures are being explored such as utilising second homes or homes with annexes, but the scale of these ‘quick wins’, which would make it easier for some refugees to enter the private rental sector, won’t be enough and measures to increase supply will remain the key factor.”
Proposals under discussion include the introduction of a deposit programme similar to that for low-income families, funding to make market rents more affordable for refugees, providing exemptions if fixed term tenancies are removed, having local authorities provide guarantees of rent and good behaviour.
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Meanwhile the government says more than 100,000 people from Ukraine have arrived in the UK under the complementary Ukraine Family Scheme and Homes for Ukraine Scheme.
When the Homes for Ukraine scheme launched in March, children or minors under the age of 18 were not eligible unless they were applying with, or planning to reunite in the UK with, a parent or legal guardian. Despite this around 1,000 under 18s applied for the scheme. The scheme has now been opened up further to consider new applications from eligible minors.
Refugees minister Lord Harrington says: “We would not be able to welcome 100,000 people from Ukraine to our shores without generous people around the country opening their doors.
“It is important that we recognise the selfless work of the public to help Ukrainians integrate into their communities.
“We understand families are having to make difficult decisions to leave their homes – which is why it is important we took the time to get this right to ensure we can continue offering safety to as many Ukrainians as possible.”
And the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities – Greg Clark – adds: “As 100,000 people have now arrived from Ukraine, I want to extend my thanks to everyone who has offered their homes to people in need. Behind this milestone however are 100,000 stories of pain – families split apart and forced to leave their fathers, sons and brothers. That is why we want peace and security in Ukraine so that its brave people can be safe at home again.”