Propertymark has once again hit out at reforms to the private rental sector being implemented by the Scottish Government.
The government – a loose alliance of the Scottish National Party and the Scottish Greens – has already agreed that Covid recovery legislation should be extended to come into force in Scotland from October 1 meaning increased protection for private rented tenants facing eviction.
There has also been a consultation process on the Scottish Government’s wider proposals for reform, called A New Deal for Tenants.
These proposals include rent controls, stronger powers for tenants to keep pets, and stricter conditions for evictions during the winter.
Responding to the consultation process and the proposals. Timothy Douglas – head of policy and campaigns for Propertymark – says: “Some of the proposals within the strategy are causing major uncertainty among letting agents and the private landlords they represent, at a time when the sector is already under huge strain and desperately in need of more investment, not less.
“The Scottish Government has already pushed ahead with restrictive legislative changes that will make it more difficult for landlords to take possession of their properties, despite warnings from housing professionals of the consequences.
“We urge Ministers to carefully consider the impact of any further reform to ensure it does not create additional risk that disincentivises more of the 240,000 private landlords who provide much-needed homes for Scottish people to live in.”