One of the lettings industry’s highest profile agents has been shortlisted by the Huntingdon’s Disease Association as Fundraiser of the Year.
Kristjan Byfield is well known as a colourful character at awards events and an outspoken advocate for landlords and letting agents – but he has also raised huge sums through a range of fundraising attempts.
Huntington’s disease is a condition that stops parts of the brain working properly over time. It’s passed on (inherited) from a person’s parents. It gets gradually worse over time and there is no cure.
Kristjan raised funds at the Agents Giving Ball on behalf of Do It For Dom – the cause celebrating Dominic Subbiani – and has previously raised money for the cause with events including a canoe adventure, Dragon Boats and appearing as a Viking at The ESTAS.
He is keen to get support form the industry following his shortlisting. People can vote here:
Supporters can also donate to the fundraising work of Kristjan and his team here:
… and here:
More news of an upcoming Do It For Don event next month can be found here.