A lettings agency – Leaders Romans Group – claims that landlords are not quitting the private rental sector in droves after all.
It claims its own small survey of landlords with 380 properties presents “a more nuanced perspective than previous reports have suggested, highlighting both positive and negative sentiments towards the proposed reforms.”
In a statement it goes on to say: “Contrary to some reports indicating a significant exodus of landlords from the market, LRG’s survey of landlords representing 380 properties found that a majority remain optimistic about their investments. The survey revealed that 68 per cent of landlords intend to maintain their current property portfolios, while six per cent are considering expanding their investments.”
It says that of those landlords who expressed intent to sell, 52 per cent attributed their decision to policy-related concerns, whereas 25 per cent cited economic factors and 23 per cent mentioned “personal circumstances unrelated to income”.
LRG says ’its findings suggest “varying perspectives” on the Renters Reform Bill now going through Parliament.
But the agency admits that 60 per cent of landlords believe that the Bill will negatively impact them as property investors, in contrast to only six per cent who believe it will have a positive impact. Around 50 per cent of landlords believe the Bill will positively affect tenants, while 14 per cent anticipate a negative impact.
Allison Thompson – LRG’s national lettings managing director – says: “It is clear from the survey we have conducted that landlords are still very much invested in the lettings industry, with 74 per cent of them planning to continue with their portfolios, providing much needed homes.”
The findings also reveal that the use of Section 21 for tenant eviction remains infrequent. The survey reports that 79 per cent of its respondents had never utilised Section 21, and 13 per cent had used it to evict a tenant in the past but not within the last year.
Thompson goes on: “It is imperative that their viewpoints on the Rental Reform Bill are not only considered but that their concerns are recognised and amendments to the Bill made to ensure the future of the private rental sector is protected and homes continue to be available for those who need them.”