A pressure group unhappy about lack of progress on the Renters Reform Bill wants MPs to be bombarded with complaint emails.
Over the weekend the government made a public statement saying the Bill – already going through Parliament – would return to the House of Commons for its Third Reading shortly; and Housing Secretary Michael Gove gave a commitment on TV that the Renters Reform Bill would become law by the time of the General Election.
But the Generation Rent group of activists is nonetheless urging supporters to send pro forma emails to MPs urging them to give the Bill priority.
In its website the group says: “We have provided a template you can use and edit as you like. If you have an experience of an unfair eviction or concerns about your own situation as a renter, please include them as personal stories go a long way to getting the message across.”
The template letter reads:
Dear xxxxxxx MP,
I am writing to you, my MP, because I am worried that time is running out for the Renters Reform Bill to pass before the next election. Week after week the next stage of the Bill is delayed and the longer it takes to become law, the more people will face unfair eviction and homelessness.
Will you support renters in [constituency] and ask the Housing Secretary and Prime Minister to bring the Bill back before Parliament as soon as possible?
Ending arbitrary Section 21 evictions was part of manifesto you were elected on in 2019, and polls show tenancy reform to be one of the government’s most popular policies, so I expect you to stand by them and support this Bill.
Renters have been waiting five years since the government promised to end these evictions. Since the Bill’s committee stage Generation Rent estimates that 5,891 more households have faced Section 21 eviction in the courts. Because a valid Section 21 notice cannot be overturned in court, the true number of Section 21s, is certain to be higher.
The Renters Reform Bill will make a huge positive difference to families in our constituency and across the country, including:
– Greater confidence to put down roots in your local area
– Raise concerns about the standard of your home without fear of a retaliatory eviction
– Not being locked into rigid fixed term tenancies, and being able to move out of a home that has been mis-sold.
Please do write to the Secretary of State and the Prime Minister and urge them to bring back the Renters Reform Bill.
It would mean a lot to me and other renters in [constituency] if you could help to bring back the bill to Parliament.