Airbnb – which recently announced it’s sharing some information about its landlord hosts with HMRC – is now sharing data with another government service.
The short let platform says it’s “an important milestone in its commitment to transparency” to share information with the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The ONS earlier this year revealed that than 2.8 million stays took place in short-term lets across in 2023, with domestic visitors making up 63 per cent of guest nights in the UK and 85 per cent in Wales. This data was partly based on Airbnb information.
Airbnb claims this data backs up its previous assertion that Airbnb supports over 100,000 jobs across the UK, growing small businesses and delivering economic benefits to communities.
The platform says it is also “committed to working hand in hand with national and local governments and have long led calls for a registration scheme to increase transparency and give local authorities the information they need to enforce rules that clampdown on speculators.”
Amanda Cupples, General Manager for Northern Europe at Airbnb, says: “This data shows the crucial role that short term lets play in boosting UK tourism and supporting local families and communities.
“We want policymakers to have the information they need to make evidence-based decisions, and our partnership with the Office for National Statistics demonstrates our commitment to transparency, and builds on our support for a national registration scheme.”
Last year, the typical landlord host on Airbnb in the UK earned almost £5,5001 – the equivalent of almost two months additional pay for the average UK household.