The managing director of an agency that lets properties in Southampton and Winchester has launched a PropTech product – but it’s aimed at self-managing landlords.
Fiixit is an online property maintenance platform created by Tajinder Sohal, who runs Big Rock Estates and is himself a landlord.
He says: “I’ve been a landlord for over 30 years, even longer if I count the time I spent with my dad in my teenage years managing his rental properties.
“One thing all landlords have in common – whether a full-time landlord with 50-plus properties or a part time landlord with a handful of properties and a full-time day job – is that they have properties requiring repairs. The boiler is broken, the fuse board keeps tripping or any number of things that pop into inboxes without any notice.
“The organisation required and time spent going back and forth between tenants and tradespeople to fix the issue can really add up, especially with multiple properties. I founded Fiixit to help with this headache.”
He claims the product can be operated from any device and allows landlords to keep on top of property repairs with a single action, driving multiple outcomes.
Sohal says the product is “dedicated to serving self-managing landlords, especially those with HMOs”. Users raise a repair ticket, select a tradesperson to address the problem, book the job and track progress.
It will cost landlords with up to 10 properties £2.50 per month per property – so that’s £30 a year per property. The unit cost reduces for properties above 10 owned by the same landlord.
The agency is operating a pilot project involving landlords who will “help shape the platform.”