A new landlord and agent support event will take place next week, offering a chance for landlords and estate agents in Derby to gain expert advice.
The free in-person event aims to engage landlords and agents by keeping them informed about key issues affecting the private rented sector. Attendees will also have the chance to network with industry professionals and enjoy refreshments.
The event follows on from the Safer Renting Derby project which aims to improve private rented housing through education and enforcement, targeting the areas with the poorest housing conditions in the city.
Through the project, the council is working with landlords to ensure that they meet their responsibility to tenants.
The topics which will be explored are the new Renters’ Rights Bill legislation and how it will affect rental businesses, the Article 4 Direction and planning consent for small HMOs, managing damp and mould, and local updates on Derby’s rental market.
There will also be an opportunity for landlords and estate agents to ask questions and network.
A council spokesperson says: “This event is part of our wide-ranging policy regarding engaging with landlords and estate agents to ensure a safer environment and better standard of housing for our residents in Derby.
“With the introduction of the Article 4 Direction, this event is a vital opportunity for landlords and agents to ensure that they are well-informed and are prepared for the upcoming changes in the new Renters’ Rights Bill.
“We want to engage with as many landlords and agents as possible to keep them informed and to help them tackle any key issues such as damp and mould in their properties.”
The event will be held on Tuesday 28 January at 4pm and will take place at Derby Conference Centre, London Road, Derby, DE24 8UX.
To book a free place, please contact the Decent and Safe Homes (DASH) team