Agents and private landlords in one part of the UK are encouraged to attend a free training session on Friday February 7 from 1.30pm until 4.30pm, to help them to understand their responsibilities around dampness and condensation.
The session in Knowsley will also cover how to identify the causes of damp and condensation in properties and how to address it.
The free session is being delivered by the National Residential Landlords Association qualifies for 3 continuous professional development points, which can help you to achieve or maintain your accreditation with the NRLA.
The session will cover:-
The different types of dampness – rising, penetrating dampness, hygroscopic salts and condensation and how to identify them;
The common causes and the solutions;
The law affecting dampness and condensation;
The responsibilities and obligations of the landlord, agent and tenant;
How to reduce its impact and some of the common misconceptions that both tenants and landlords have regarding condensation;
The importance of heating, ventilation and thermal insulation; and
Practical issues and examples.
The course is available for landlords, letting / managing agents, social housing professionals and housing associations in Knowsley, St Helens, Sefton and Wirral.