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Hemi Tanna
Hemi Tanna
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Hemi Tanna
The reason that renters have less than £100 in the bank is because they don't have to worry about maintenance and repairs. Homeowners may have cheaper mortgages, but they have the added disadvantage of having to cover all repairs etc themselves. Rent does not just cover living in the house. It also pays for the service you receive from the Landlords and the convenience of having everything in the house done for you. You claim that the deposit scheme is holding back renters from buying and Paul Collins made the excellent point that £700 does not a house deposit make. You replied using figures where all the deposits in total was quoted - this does not help the individual tenant. Each tenant has individually a deposit - saying £3.5 billion being tied up is no good is not a response; are all the tenants going to bank their tenancy deposits together and buy houses?? This is about individual tenants and, I reiterate, a tenancy deposit will not cause any issue with saving for a house deposit. Finally, I agree that yet again, Landlords are being taken from and blamed. Homeowners have to pay product fees and valuation fees etc..the mortgage lender doing a valuation to agree to lend and the homeowner pays for it and DOESN'T GET THE MONEY BACK! Tenancy deposit is given back when they move, do homeowners get it back NO, they have to pay out again, just like tenants do. Overall, whether you own or rent there are costs. End of. Pay your costs for the choice you make for your housing and deal with your own finances to save for whatever reason you save for; go back to the old days and cut back on luxuries! Save the old fashioned way and not by taking from the people who are providing you with a service. Landlords are expected to do more for less return - whats the fairness in that?

From: Hemi Tanna 29 March 2017 15:25 PM

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