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Written by rosalind renshaw

A new inventory mobile app has launched.

It is from Radweb’s InventoryBase, and will allow users to produce inventories including photos and reports while offline.

This means that agents will no longer have to rely on internet connections or phone signal to produce the documents.

The app will also store the individual users personal ‘dictionary’ which records commonly used terms and phrases, making dictating an inventory incredibly fast.
Steve Rad, managing director of Radweb, said: “Our customers wanted to be able to produce reports offline. That was the one thing holding some customers back in areas with poor reception.

“Now that’s been addressed we look forward to further improving InventoryBase to make it without question the best software on the market.”
InventoryBase was launched in May. The system can be accessed on every device from smart phones to desktop PCs and offers agents unlimited inventories for a fixed monthly fee. There has also been take-up by landlords and inventory companies.
The mobile app is currently available on the Android store, Google Play, and is pending release on the Apple store.


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