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Gareth Clarke
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Gareth Clarke
I’ve had to read this article 3 times as it just doesn’t make senses and only serves to confuse those in the LETTINGS industry. I really do wish that individuals, organisations and companies that do not specialise in the EPC market and its regulations consult or at least try to liaise with suitability qualified and competent individuals to assist in ensuring that the right information, language and advise is delivered. Listed buildings, of any status, do NOT require an EPC, this is not to say that they can’t have one the legislation, which change 4 years ago simply states the the requirement for a listed building to have an EPC for sales and lettings no longer exists. If however a listed building does indeed have an EPC then it is duly covered by the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) and as such will, or could fall foul of the regulations. Conversely if the alterations / changes required by the EPC would alter the appearance of a listed building or one that falls within a conservation area and permission for the respective requirements are refused by the local authority or heritage trust then the requirements to comply also fall away. Finally the paragraph that reads “The policy is fundamentally flawed due to an error made when the government transposed the [EU] Energy Performance of Building Directive into UK law. Rather than admitting this and committing to doing something about it, the government is essentially just passing the problem on to thousands of property owners” doesn’t mean anything at all!?!? Which part of the EPBD are you actually referring to but it is not clear, at all? Just to dispel a few myths - The second tier of standards which come into force April 18 will require ALL properties to be an ‘E’ category OR BETTER. If a property doesn’t have an EPC it is NOT covered by the regulations therefore don’t get one. If the tenant was to have an EPC commissioned this WOULD trigger the MEES. As an example, if the EPC was originally commission in 2009 and falls in to either an ‘F’ or ‘G’ category and you have a sitting tenant the property will not be covered by the MEES (considering the 2020 trigger) as the EPC is no longer valid (10 year shepherd life) If you have a EPC that was commissioned prior to 2010 you should give consideration to having the EPC refreshed as significant changes were introduced in the calculation methodology meaning that even if nothing had been changed / altered at a property often the rating would automatically increase. I’ve personally been pushing the industry to look at this for the last three years and only now have the government acknowledged that, in particular the solid wall categorisation within gathering EPC dataset, is flawed and is due to change in the next RdSAP updates. There are lots more key elements to the standards the most of us are not aware of as such I have been speaking at forums throughout the country for the last 8 months the next one is in November in the midlands if anyone would l8ke any additional information.

From: Gareth Clarke 12 October 2017 08:38 AM

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