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I was recently having lunch with a friend who is a judge on an industry award panel and I asked him about his biggest frustrations from the submissions he receives. Attention to the basics' was his reply. This got me thinking, are we asking the right questions within our businesses

It is clear that customer service has the power to make or break a business. But does your staff know your specific expectations Disney always strikes me as a brand with teams that are fully aware of their employers' expectations. Walt Disney had a clear and reasonably simple vision for his business. He outlined the following four sets of rules to stick to:

1. Dream beyond the boundaries of today

2. Believe in sound values

3. Dare to make a difference

4. And the just go out and do it!

Dream, Believe, Dare, Do'

Even today these principals are at the core of Disney's business and all staff learn what is expected of them: presentation, values, and 'do'.

Agents up and down the country may give training sessions, hold team meetings to drill home the importance of customer service and even inform staff of their dreams and aspirations for growth. But do they ever specifically state your expectations

It is easy for team members to get complacent - this is not a criticism, just a fact. Our first interaction with a prospective client is one of the most important moments within a business relationship. If your team ask the right questions and thus instill trust, you can turn that interaction from a prospect into a client. It's not about the big gestures, but the extra little touches that can really make all the difference.

I was recently talking to Michelle Wilden from JDG Estate Agents and she told me about a situation where a local competitor failed, quite spectacularly, at the basics. Michelle received a phone call from a vendor who had their property up with another agent. Said agent had informed the vendor they didn't have time to do the viewings. Unfortunately, it gets worse. The agent had five viewings planned in December and had cancelled each one, again due to lack of time - subsequently missing, as Michelle told me, five potential chances to sell it'. The vendor asked Michelle if she had time to undertake viewings and you can imagine her immediate reply.

Not undertaking one of their core services as an estate agent had lost the original agent business and provided custom for another. It makes me wonder whether this agent asked the right questions of the vendor. Were they in a position to be able to lose a sale

Sometimes it is beneficial not only look to our own industry to seek best practice, but other businesses. I recently I spoke to a business manager at Santander bank and he informed me that Santander employees are always pointed to John Lewis as a benchmark for customer service. Is your team as willing and attentive throughout the entire client experience as the team at John Lewis

Before Christmas I visited a local toy store. It was a chaotic 'every man for himself' atmosphere. I couldn't find what I was looking for, then all of a sudden a young sales person was upon me. "Hi, you seem to be looking a bit lost, is there anything specifically you are looking for" I told him the toy I wanted and a few minutes later he returned with the gift. I was amazed at this personal service, especially at such a busy time of year that the next time I was in I made of point of thanking the manager.

He admitted that for the last couple of years this particular branch had not been performing. As far as he was concerned, they provided great service, they sold what his custers wanted but something wasn't clicking. He said he reluctantly invited in a 'mystery shopper company' and was surprised what valuable insight he received about the service, his customers and his business. He told me that now he:

- Sets clear expectations and values for his team

- They learn together from the feedback they receive and always seek to improve

- They ask the right questions of their customers

In essence, he said, "We have gone back to basics."

*Stephen Brown is Director of Stephen J Brown Consultancy, providing training and helping estate agents from all over the UK to generate more revenue


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