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Agency says landlords increasingly pet-friendly to attract tenants

Some 68 per cent of landlords now accept tenants with dogs and cats according to a survey conducted by online letting agency lettingaproperty.com. 

Property owners are even more persuaded to allow pets if they can see a ‘CV’ listing the animal’s behaviour in other properties. 

Dog World magazine, citing the research, says the increasingly liberal attitude of landlords to pets comes at a cost however - around 80 per cent or property owners ask for an additional fee to cover possible damage to fixtures and fittings. 


“Some landlords were certainly softening towards the idea of pets, purely because it opens a wider pool of possible tenants who are willing to pay extra for the privilege of having their animal with them, in the right home and with the access to outdoor space when needed” says  Jonathan Daines, the agency’s chief executive.

The magazine says that the Dogs Trust has been working to educate landlords through its Lets with Pets project but believes not enough has been done to cater for animal owners.

“Renting with pets has always been a problem and we’re still seeing a considerable number of owners contacting us about the difficulties they are experiencing finding privately-rented accommodation that will allow pets” says Trust spokeswoman Clare Kivlehan.

“There are simple steps that landlords can take to cover themselves when renting to people with pets and so a pet shouldn’t be a barrier anymore. Our Lets with Pets project aims to educate landlords and prospective renters by offering practical advice and working with landlords and letting agencies to encourage them to introduce fair pet-friendly policies in their properties” she says.


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