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Graham Awards


Domestic abuse awareness highlighted for property managers

The industry’s first property management franchise scheme, SDL Property Partners, has been given a presentation on how members could be key at identifying and stopping domestic abuse. 

At a central London event marking the organisation’s first anniversary, members heard from the co-founder of the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance, Godrun Burnet. 

She urged property managers to consider if tenants’ anti-social behaviour they witness or hear about could be a sign of domestic abuse.


There was also a session on mental health awarenesss, specialising on how to overcome obstacles and mental barriers, as well as an introduction to yoga therapy, meditation and mindfulness.

Nick Faulkner, managing director of SDL Property Partners, says the organisation is helping to change the industry’s image with its professional approach.

“This is a great industry to generate repeat income and provide a quality service to leaseholders. SDL Property Partners has provided an amazing chance to give back, and we have changed the industry in the space of a year” he says.

“Our next challenge is to grow this franchise and have a network of over 100 franchisees.”


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