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Independent agencies' staff levels will be hit by Fees Ban, says HR chief

The head of the country's oldest agency recruitment consultancy says the tenant fee ban will hit staffing levels in the industry - especially for independent firms.

Property Personnel managing director Anthony Hesse says: “This new Tenant Fees Act will send seismic shockwaves through the lettings sector - and there’s no doubt that staffing levels will be hit. Lettings agents are having part of their bottom line swiped away, despite the fact there is still administration that they will have to do. So they are going to have to do more work for less income.

“Furthermore, this is a move which is clearly designed to shift the costs to landlords. But landlords will do everything they can to avoid any extra charges. And for some, this will include deciding not to instruct a letting agent at all in the future.”


Hesse says the sector is in turmoil already. 

Last month, a survey by the Residential Landlords Association found that nearly half of 6,500 landlords and letting agents questioned are more likely to remove their investment in the private rented sector as a result of the government’s plans to abolish Section 21.

“All of this will reduce the amount of money in the pot for letting agents’ salaries. We are already struggling to fill these positions as it is – but this move is likely to drive even more lettings personnel from the industry, who will be hard to replace.”

He warns the damage will particularly hurt independents.

“This will be particularly acute in firms where fees provide a proportion of an individual agent’s income. In bigger chains, those carrying out tenancy progression will be on a flat salary. But in a small independent firm, that’s often not the case and a level of commission will be involved – which will now disappear altogether.

“Ultimately, for many lettings agents, these fees are a crucial revenue stream and profit margins have to be protected. From a recruitment perspective, it’s hard enough to find people and get them to stay in the business as it is. I suspect that job has just become even more difficult.”

  • Paul Smithson

    The raft of legislation is going to make more people homeless as rents go up.

  • icon
    • 11 July 2019 10:05 AM

    A LA I know advised me that he would be losing over £30000 in tenant fees.
    Plus he was being kept very busy by LL selling up with him doing the valuations to sell.
    He had also taken on a lease with now higher business rates.
    He apparently has already let two staff go.
    More to follow he suggested.
    There must surely be consolidation in the LA sector.
    They are chasing a declining business with now higher costs.
    Can't see that current LA will be all surviving.
    I stopped using LA years ago due the costs and have consistently saved a fortune!
    The LA gravy train has ended.


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