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Conquering Corona - portal offer, rental study, mental health help

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Conquering Corona, our daily update helping the industry cope with the current crisis.

If you have appropriate advice to share with the industry, please email us on press@estateagenttoday.co.uk and we’ll let other agents and suppliers see it too.



Firstly today there’s an offer by high-profile free to list portal Residential People, which is allowing agents to enjoy all its premium features and advertising for free whilst the pandemic is ongoing - additionally, existing customers will have their contracts extended.

Residential People’s ‘featured property’ listing offers agents the ability to exclusively advertise within a desired location, and gives them access to an online marketing suite.

“The Coronavirus has had a drastic impact on the livelihood of estate agents and businesses across the UK” says Residential People sales and managing director, Roy Bartolo. 


Now news of a survey by the lettings trade body the Residential Landlords Association; it’s asking members a series of question on the impact of Coronavirus.

There’s been a strong response so far, so if other RLA members want to participate - and it’ll take just a few minutes - you can click here.


Now an idea put forward by London agent Kristjan Byfield, who is urging agents to undertake regular live events online where they can share their knowledge and experience. 

He’s called in the #AgentsHereToHelp initiative and hopes the idea will lift agents’ spirits during the crisis as well as share ideas.

Some 20 agents have already signed up including David Lee, Keller Williams, Fine & Country*, Roseberry Newhouse, Danelaw Real Estate, Maurice Kilbride, NestledIn, Normie & Co, Jackie Oliver & Co, McDowalls, Mr Green, Ferndown, Robinson Michael & Jackson, Logic Estates, GoView, Dreamview, Stones and Belvoir, as aeell as Kristjan’s own agency base property specialists.

He wants to launch this campaign in the next week and has set up a registration form for agents to complete - you can see it here.

Now some particularly important advice from a flexible workspace platform called Offices - but it’s advice that is as important to the residential sector as to the commercial sector.

Offices’ Jonathan Ratcliffe tells EAT: “Many of my colleagues chose property as a profession because it’s highly sociable but now we are isolated from that social network, and it’s tough times for everyone”.

He continues: “The difference to work and life over the last month has been let’s say - brutal. Most of us in property have come from a vibrant, booming and highly social workplace, down to working from home in isolation. It’s a shock to the system and shouldn’t be underestimated”.

Jonathan says the combination of ‘furloughing’ - semi-redundancy with no work to do - and those under pressure to continue as normal working from home carries a huge mental burden.

“Everyone I’ve spoken with is having to be creative to cope with life now. The pressures some are under are insane both financially and mentally – we need to talk to each other and know that when you have a wobble, someone is there for you – because everyone will at some point.”

Jonathan advises that we should consider these working week tips for taking a proactive approach to mental health:

Routine: it’s vital if you want to be motivated that you set a routine. Make sure you get up at a decent time and start work at 9am;

To do list: Start by writing a small list of work to achieve, lower your expectations and work towards ticking all those goals even if they are small;

Talk to someone: If you have a work buddy you’d usually chew the fat with, why change? Give them a call, maybe first thing – helps you both realise you aren’t alone;

Food and drink: Make sure you eat properly and stay hydrated throughout the day;

Fresh air: At lunch time take your walk or sit outside, put your phone down, look around and enjoy the peace and quiet;

Finish at 5: Don’t be tempted to work into the evening, try to finish up around the same time as you would normally;

Put the phone down: After “work” is over, try to forget about it. Enjoy time with a partner or family;

Wine O’clock: It’s tempting to hit the wine each night, we’re under stress. But you didn’t booze like this before, time to reduce the alcohol;

Sleep: Decent bedtime and try and get eight hours solid sleep if possible;

Plan for the other side: This will end, and when it does you need to be in the best shape possible to seize any opportunities. Get planning…

“It’s crucially important not to under-estimate the stress of the current situation. It’s horrendous for us all – you need to get in a positive routine, speak to people and plan for the future” concludes Jonathan, “because you need to come out of this in the best form to take advantage of the opportunities it will create”.


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