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Call for loans-for-landlords as part of anti-eviction plan

The Chartered Institute of Housing has published proposals aimed at avoiding a spike in private rental sector evictions when the current ban ends in three weeks time.

It wants:

- a continuation of the ban on evictions solely arising from COVID-related arrears;


- a permanent end of Section 21 evictions;

- introduce repayment plans of up to two years for arrears accrued during the virus crisis;

- a wholesale reform of Universal Credit with an end to the current five-week wait; temporarily suspension of the benefit cap and the two-child limit; increasing Local Housing Allowances;

- an increased emergency fund for discretionary housing payments which should be more widely available to help with rent arrears outside scope of universal credit;

- an interest-free loan scheme to cover landlords’ loss of rental income and give landlords mortgage holidays on rented properties to pass relief on to tenants.

CIH chief executive Gavin Smart says: “While the measures put in place by government and landlords are helping millions of people during this awful time, we have to think about what comes next. Simply ending all these measures without a plan to cope with the arrears built up through the outbreak risks pushing families into homelessness and landlords into bankruptcy, just at a time when a stable housing sector is needed to help rebuild our economy.

“Our proposals build on the work we have done with homelessness groups including Crisis and Shelter, as well as housing providers. They are practical and proportionate to the threat facing millions of people. We look forward to working with the government to make them part of our national post-COVID recovery plan.”

The CIH claims: 

- of 5.6m workers at high risk of losing their jobs because of the crisis, more than 1.2m are private tenants;

- around 2.6m private tenants have already missed a rent payment during the crisis;

- around a third of the ‘key workers’ who have kept services and supplies running earn less than £10 per hour. 

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    Of course they want a permanent ban on Section 21. I am already selling one property. If this ban comes in, then the others will also go.

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    • 02 June 2020 22:51 PM

    There are to be millions of redundancies.
    There is no way that LL will be prepared to reduce rents to those affordable for UC claimants.

    So something had to give.

    I predict that many newly redundant workers will be returning to parental homes.
    There is no point in them renting if there is no need to be near a job.
    London and other cities will be emptying as tenants move back home wherever that might be.

    Already had 3 Ryanair cabincrew return home and looks like they are to be made redundant.

    There will be massive economic decline in airport areas.

    There is little point flying anywhere if things are shut down.

    The aviation industry is going to be devastated.

    There are millions of jobs dependent on the aviation industry.
    With reduced flying very difficult times ahead for all those involved in the aviation industry


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