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GDPR and property - guidance book on sale from today

David Smith - a solicitor specialising in residential property, agency and regulatory law - today launches a book advising property professionals on compliance.

Smith says GDPR is a complex and often confusing, issue for businesses, and official guidance on it has often been delayed and confusing. 

For the property sector, it has been particularly difficult – and the recent Covid-19 pandemic has introduced a series of new challenges due to the movement of data between property owners, agents, legal professionals and tenants or purchases for a range of different purposed.


“This book aims to cut through the confusion by clearly explaining what the GDPR is, how it works and how it applies to property transactions of all types” says Smith, who is also a partner in the Commercial Litigation team at JMW Solicitors. 

“It also provides a range of clear, accessible examples to illustrate the GDPR operating in practice.”

Smith is well known for his work in the residential property and agency field, especially in property licensing and consumer law. 


He has advised local and national governments, large and small landlords and tenants and letting and estate agents across the sector. 

He has followed the GDPR since it was first announced in 2016 and has provided training and advice on it to a wide range of property businesses.

You can get more details at Law Brief Publishing.


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