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Graham Awards


Short Lets market in cities still suffering because of travel controls

The trade body for short lets operators - the Short Term Accommodation Association - says it wants even more travel restrictions to be eased to help the sector recover. 

It says international visitors are a vital component of the sector’s activities, especially in major cities, and while it welcomes recent relaxations in travel rules affecting some countries, it wants more. 

It claims that whilst the boom in UK staycations has resulted in coastal and countryside accommodation reaching record levels of business, city-based accommodation providers are operating at lower occupancy levels because of the low number of bookings from international tourists and business travellers.




Merilee Karr, STAA chair, says: “We are of course very happy that the government has eased the restrictions on entry to the UK for some international visitors who are fully vaccinated. 

“While later than we had hoped, the return of international travellers will start to make a difference to supporting the industry recovery after two summers which have been impacted. 

“The UK still needs a broader approach to a return to cities including business travel to ensure that the full recovery is realised. In addition to companies and hosts in our sector, it is important for the supply chains and local businesses that benefit from our guests coming here and spending money.  

“With our sector leading the recovery in accommodation with private homes a product that consumers are increasingly choosing, we look forward to a full reopening so that we can play an important role in the overall recovery.”


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