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Public back big tax rise for second home and lets owners

A consultation proposing a steep rise in council tax for second homes has won strong public support.

Flintshire council in north Wales says it will shortly be considering the current council tax premium of 50 per cent on second homes and long-term empty properties.

It will be deciding whether the rate should remain the same or be varied to 75 per cent for long term empty properties and 100 per cent for second homes from April 2023. 


Local authorities in Wales have had discretionary powers since 2017 to charge a council tax premium of up to 100 per cent above the standard rate on certain classes of second homes and long-term empty properties. 

Flintshire council introduced a premium scheme from 2017 and established a premium rate of 50 per cent on both categories.

This rate has applied each year since 2017. 

From April 2023, local authorities in Wales will also have the autonomy to charge, or vary, a premium rate of up to a huge 300 per cent above the standard charge.

Following a public consultation that was undertaken in 2021, over 50 per cent of those who responded felt the premium rate for second homes and long-term empty properties should be increased above the current 50 per cent rate.  

Almost half of those responding felt that second homes had a negative impact on their local community. 

Most respondents also considered that long-term empty and second homes decreased the availability of affordable housing.

Councillor Ian Roberts, council leader, says: “Solving housing problems and meeting rising demands for affordable housing, especially for first time buyers, remains a complex strategy involving national and local government. 

“Improving local communities and access to affordable housing, as well as bringing empty homes back into full use, remains a priority for the council.

“We want to encourage owners to bring empty homes back into use and the continued use of the council tax premium scheme, at increased rates, will help to achieve our ambitions.”

  • icon

    This is how nazis operate. They make the public hate a minority of the population, then victimise them. Politicians should not be allowed to operate like this, but they do!. I had a tenant move out of an apartment and the council immediately charged me double council tax as though it was a second home. People who live in beautiful parts of the country need to realise that others have the right to visit and the area doesn't belong to them.

  • Matthew Payne

    How festive to have a turkeys voting for Xmas news piece.


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