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Graham Awards


Another council has started consultations about stiffer controls on HMOs

Walsall council is proposing additional licensing to improve conditions and management of HMOs in five wards where there are high numbers of HMOs. 

If approved, the scheme would require private landlords to apply for a licence for each HMO they let out in these areas and as usual to get a licence certain conditions must be met and a licence fee applies.

Walsall council deputy leader Adrian Andrew says: “It is vital that all tenants can enjoy living in properties that are decent and well maintained and we know that a huge majority of Landlords uphold these responsibilities to tenants and to local communities. 

“Ensuring that potential landlords meet the conditions required for the additional license will help to protect tenants in the borough from poor housing conditions. 


“I encourage any resident, tenant and landlord with an interest to take part in the consultation that will result in stronger powers for us to tackle rogue landlords.”

Further detail and information can be found on the council webpage Proposed additional licensing scheme and residents can have their say by completing the questionnaire. The closing date for responses is June 13 2022.

  • icon

    Again another council printing money and the LL is had to provide the resources.
    There is current legislation in place to prosecute rouge LL, but the council is soft, to prosecute, as it’s too much hard work.
    So let the Law abiding LL fill their deficit budget.


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