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Graham Awards


Renters Reform Bill prompts agents’ calls to helpline

A webinar says the Renters Reform Bill is the biggest challenge facing lettings agents - and it’s prompted calls to a helpline.

The webinar was run by industry suppliers HF Assist and PayProp.

Representatives of HF Assist told viewers that uncertainty over the Bill and its impact on the industry was the top reason agents have been calling the hotline. 


This trumped worries over current notice periods for Section 8 and Section 21 evictions, company lets and when to use them, tenancies including bills during the current cost of living crisis, Right To Rent checks, and securing access for inspections, maintenance and viewings.

Addressing webinar attendees' concerns over the Bill, the HF Assist advisor Julie Ford reassured viewers that while Section 21 evictions would end, they were still permissible today and there were question marks over how soon the legislation would be implemented anyway once the Bill becomes law.

According to Mike Morgan - another webinar attendee - the worries over the Bill mirrored what he experienced when new legislation was introduced in Wales. In that case, the HF Assist helpline experienced a surge in calls to help agents comply with the new rules.

“We know only too well the worries that already busy agents have about the changes, and we will be working closely with them to reassure and give support. Our helpline gives you access to our expert team at the end of the phone or through a dedicated online chat service, making sure you are informed and prepared for the changes. HF Assist members can also use our free resources to help advise and provide the best service to their landlords and tenants” said Morgan.

Other concerns over compulsory pet insurance, landlord redress membership, non-purpose-built student lets and the transition to periodic tenancies were also discussed.

Commenting on the webinar, PayProp’s Neil Cobbold said: “It was great to have such an engaged audience on the recent lettings surgery webinar, but it was clear that they had big questions over the Renters (Reform) Bill. While there aren’t many surprises for the industry, as the measures were already included in the 2022 Fairer Private Rented Sector White Paper, the lack of detail around how and when these measures will be implemented is a real worry for the agents.

“As an industry, we need to see more details from the government and be part of the discussion as the bill goes through the parliamentary process. A high level of engagement with property professionals will be key to ensuring these reforms deliver to the benefit of all parties.”


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