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paul canton
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paul canton
In most cases the buy to let landlords and the first time buyer do not come into conflict. Landlords as the article mentions buy "bad" properties and renovate them as these are the cheapest and generally un mortgageable. Private landlord have massively helped to turn around ex local authority blocks or crumbling property in depressed areas that were once "no go" areas by investing in essentially decent but unloved property that successive governments have seen as a millstone around their necks, rather than a valuable commodity. Hitting the smaller landlords hard and giving the tax breaks to those with over 15 properties who have them under the banner of a company, is pretty typical of Mr Osborne"s aim of not taxing the very rich. In the case of landlords who take a huge risk on investing in property others won't or cannot invest in, removing the tax relief on mortgage payments will ensure many of these properties are not profitable; they will remain un inhabitable and un mortgagble, job well done . How does a government claiming to have housing in its sights fail to see this fact ? Easy.... they are quite out of touch. Tenants want decent property at an affordable rent, I would like to see a change in the system to allow landlords to offer 5 year tenancies without granting the tenant any further rights than those in a typical AST. At present any agreement over two years grants tenants rights. Why is no one talking about this. Granting a five year lease could lower rents as the usual empty periods would be fewer and most landlord I know tend not to put the rent up for good tenants who look after the property and pay the rent. This single change would help families who rent and want stability as well as students who do not want to move three times during their degree. A 5 or 6 year AST is usual in Germany where rental costs are lower and quality of accommodation is better than the uk.

From: paul canton 18 March 2016 10:00 AM

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